Our environments

Our Toddler room is where our Toddlers (2-3 year olds) have the most fun! Our lovely big and interesting space is filled with natural light and the children enjoy exploring their shadows all day. 

Our Toddler room is where our Toddlers (2-3 year olds) have the most fun! Our lovely big and interesting space is filled with natural light and the children enjoy exploring their shadows all day.

We are passionate about creating attractive and intelligent provocations and invitations to play that reflect our children’s interests or introduce principles of the natural world, inviting them to be intrigued and interested in their play.

Areas include:

  • Small world play
  • Role play
  • Construction (large and small)
  • Messy play area
  • Quiet area for reading and rest times

Toddlers are welcome to carry resources to and from various locations. They are encouraged to play and explore, overcome obstacles and develop their own ideas, as they explore both the indoor and outdoor environment.

The Toddler room is frequently a place where a desire to be independent emerges. We assist each of our children on their own personal missions, such as accessing their own drinks, putting on their own shoes and socks, finding their own belongings, drinking from an open cup, developing cutlery skills and toileting.

The toilet area is within the Toddler room, and contains a number of small toilets, potties and a nappy changing space, along with child high sinks for convenient hand washing before and after eating and after a range of messy activities.

As expected all of these activities are exhausting and after lunch the Toddlers are invited to sleep in our cosy area. Sleeping mats and blankets are provided, as well as music for sensory relaxation. Children are invited to bring their comforters to encourage a familiar and safe re-charge before the afternoon commences.